3 Ways to Plan Your Creative Practice or Brand

3 Ways to Plan Your Creative Practice or Brand

If you're looking to start or evolve your own creative practice or brand, the task can seem daunting. But with a little bit of planning and making it your own, you can make sure that your business is successful and that your health and well-being are taken care of. Here are three things you can do to plan the start or growth of your creative practice or brand while still looking after yourself.

Get visual - visualize and imagine

One thing you can do is create a peaceful time to journal or write about what it is that you want your creative practice or brand to look like. Imagine what you will see, hear, and say in these creative moments and how you will feel. This is a powerful way to put yourself in a positive emotional state and ready for creating great work. Taking a moment to do this once or regularly will ensure that your creative dreams come true at a pace that works for you.

Get structured - outline your goals

Another way to plan your new venture is by outlining specific goals for yourself. You can make them as specific or general as you like. Some creatives like to work with specific detailed plans - for others, it works best to keep them more general and their intuition comes into play. Writing down the steps necessary to achieve these goals helps break the process into manageable tasks so that nothing feels overwhelming — you focus on one part at a time - and it all just becomes part of the plan! As you progress through each step, set deadlines so that there's something tangible keeping track of your progress. This is an important part, many creative hearts leave out. Having goals and deadlines also helps keep motivation high as you work towards achieving them. You can always move them later if things evolve and change for you.

Stay balanced - take care of yourself

Finally, make sure that throughout this entire process, take time out for yourself as you grow! It's important not only for mental health but also physical health - remember to get enough sleep and movement and eat nourishing meals throughout the day. You can think of your health as a garden bed from which everything expands. Taking care of both mental and physical health will help ensure that you are in the best position to be creative and productive in any way during your creative evolution and growth journey ahead!

Starting up any new venture or focusing energy on your creative evolution — especially one related to creativity — requires plenty of dedication, patience, and resilience. With some careful planning though, launching a successful creative practice or brand doesn't have to be an overly stressful experience! By taking time out for visualization, goal setting, and self-care routines during this process, entrepreneurs can focus on their craft while ensuring they look after themselves in the process too!

Would you like help to begin this process this March? — I’d be delighted to help you do this with my signature three clarity sessions. You can read about how these sessions have helped other creatives here to set them up with a foundation for creative success — ask me for more info or book today! x

With Love,

Natasha x

Watch your life transform when you put your creative dreams first — Natasha

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