5 Steps to Create a Cutting-Edge Brand Identity

Are you ready to take your business to the next level with a cutting-edge brand identity? As an artist and entrepreneur, it’s time to take what you have already created and turn it into something more powerful. To do this, you will need to create a brand identity that represents who you are, what you deliver, and stands out in your industry. Here are five steps to get started.

Make 2023 Your Best Year Yet!

I am writing to you between New Year celebrations, planning for a momentous year ahead and diligent editing of branding photographs for 30 creatives just like you to wish you a wonderful New Year! If there is one thing I know to be accurate, the universe has your back, and magical things in life and business are in store for you! 

If You Always Wait

If you always wait until you are ready, it may never come. I'm all for trusting the universe and honouring the natural rhythm. When I decide on the next step, now is the time to open my awareness and senses and feel it. To test my mind and body response. Also, let me share a story…

What Would It Be?

If January could begin with anything next year. What would it be? I want that for you. Suppose you are a beginning, emerging or established artist. Suppose you are a beginning, emerging or established body movement specialist. In that case, these are the ways you can work with me in 2023.

What’s In A Name?

Whether it be your birth name, a name received in a defining moment or the name you give your business. Like your name, a brand name holds special personal meaning and communicates. It influences, in part, how your client sees you, and first impressions count.

It Is With Pleasure

My life coaching and brand mentoring packages are now available on my website for you to read, choose and select. This is the first time my packages have been available on my website to read publically, and significant changes are possible for you in 2023.