What's the lesson behind recently fracturing my foot?

What's the lesson behind recently fracturing my foot?

The secret, backed by science, is to listen without judgment and truly hear what you're saying to yourself. — Natasha

If I tap into my subconscious, which I've learned to do, I can ask myself: What's the lesson behind recently fracturing my foot?

The secret, backed by science, is to listen without judgment and truly hear what you're saying to yourself. This lesson applies to all relationships, whether with yourself or others. By suspending judgment, you can genuinely hear the true feelings and messages being conveyed, both from yourself and others, putting aside emotions to gain a deeper understanding.

When you truly listen, you gain valuable insights. Your reasoning becomes sharper as you gather all the information. Trying to calculate while listening may cause you to miss important details. So, start by listening first, gather the facts, and then apply your reasoning. This way, you'll gain a better understanding and make more informed decisions!

During my recovery, I heard myself say, "Permit yourself to rest." It's okay not to feel motivated all the time. Motivation will come back. Don't judge yourself during this healing process. Embrace the moments of downtime, whether it's reading your favourite book or catching up on your favourite Netflix series.

The week I fractured my foot, there were several moments when I felt anxious. I had to reschedule my meetings, leave the housework undone, and wasn't as productive as usual. I felt like things weren't progressing as smoothly as I wanted. But here's the key word: "progressing." Life can be still and fulfilling. The path doesn't always have to be straight. I also learned the importance of asking my kids and hubby for help, which turned out to be a true blessing.

Even in injury, there are silver linings. It's okay for the journey to take detours or come to a halt. Asking for help allows for healing and positive changes to occur. I'm grateful that my clients were so understanding. That's the beauty of the journey. And knowing this brings me peace during moments of uncertainty. This is the secret to deeper understanding.

Tash x



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