It's no secret I’m passionate about Simon Sinek

It's no secret I’m passionate about Simon Sinek

If you're in the long game of creating a career or small business ownership, where everything falls on your shoulders, believe me, I can relate. — Natasha

Let's talk about something I'm really passionate about: Simon Sinek.

His personal brand may not be flashy, but let me tell you, his brain is absolutely captivating. And you know what? That makes him sexy in my eyes.

Recently, I came across the concept of the infinite game while I was planning out my calendar for the year. It got me thinking about how it can truly amplify success and growth in our lives. (And guess what? I can help you with that too!)

If you're in the long game of creating a career or small business ownership, where everything falls on your shoulders, believe me, I can relate. Just last week, my fractured foot reminded me of that. But you know what? It made me dig deep into my toolkit and practice what I preach. Love and dedication kept me going for the past two weeks, both in my life and my brand.

Curious yet? If you're like me and don't take things at face value, I guarantee you'll find this idea intriguing. And don't worry, I've got your back.

Do yourself a favour and give it a listen right here:


And after that, let's have a little chat. Are you a finite or infinite player?

Take care,




The Single Path

The Single Path

What's the lesson behind recently fracturing my foot?

What's the lesson behind recently fracturing my foot?